Top stats on the power of website video

Many companies are understanding the value of website video today but seeing the value that website video can deliver for your business can sometimes mean looking at the statistics directly. Our corporate photography company in Liverpool and video production team have helped many of our clients experience the benefits of video marketing first-hand. Here are some of the top stats on the power of video marketing today:

Website video can boost your leads by up to 66% annually:

There are many people that are adverse to investing in video content because it’s more expensive to produce than written content. If video content is able to improve your lead generation by up to 66% annually, you’ll be able to see a massive return on investment from just one video production.

You can reach a massive audience with your website video:

The YouTube platform now has over 2 billion users which is almost a third of the Internet population online. If you’re not currently producing any type of video content, you might be missing out on a massive amount of traffic that could be finding its way to your page. To make matters even better, YouTube content is very easy to share on the network as well as engage with through the comments section.

85% of all Internet users are watching videos on their mobile phone:

With 85% of Internet users in the United States accessing videos on their phone, the amount of brand awareness that you could receive by producing professional quality video for your brand is nearly immeasurable.

Working with the videographer in Liverpool could be an excellent choice for your company today. If you want to experience some of the marketing stats on video content firsthand with your company, contact us today.