How has corporate video changed web design?

Streaming video has become a major part of any website today. There are many people turning towards corporate video production companies to create content for their pages. The idea of launching a modern website without any type of video content is nearly inconceivable with the sheer amount of sites that now include short videos and animations as part of its means to connect and market products. There’s billions of people using mobile devices across the globe and video is an excellent way to work with consumers accessing any page.


We see the popularity of video in major social networks like snapchat and Tik Tok and website creators are jumping on this trend presenting short snippets and videos that showcase products on the websites that we visit every day. Since the age of YouTube in 2005, digital video items are helping people to connect and it is a concept that’s helping people to market products and connect with their audience like never before.


A new way to authentically reach your customers:


Customers today don’t want to read a massive wall of text or access the website in the same way that they once did. They want to take a look at content that’s going to be extremely engaging, they want to have content that’s going to give them the opportunity to form their own opinions. Having a professional corporate video created for your website can be an excellent way to provide an audience with a short and digestible way to explain your product or go through a massive amount of information  in a short time span.


Cost effective marketing:


Video is a cost effective marketing strategy and it’s an excellent way to reach your audience in a more personal way. Having a good video online can make sure that people can easily share your content as well. A business with shareable video can have major influencers sharing their content over time. Video sharing can be a large piece of online networking today as people continue to share, comment and save videos this is a simple form of communication that brings new consumers into your page.


Communication on any device:


Mobile communication and website videos now go hand-in-hand in producing website content. If you have a website that doesn’t have video enabled on it, you could be missing out on multiple opportunities to connect with an audience. Video is accessible on any device and it all offers the chance to go viral quickly. The reactions in the engagement that you get with these audience members are invaluable and investing in a short video piece could present a massive return on investment for your company.


Getting access to the right quality video content for your website is an extension of your personality and brand. While you may not have all of the equipment to begin the process of creating quality video on your site, you can hire a marketing company or work with a local professional to produce high-quality video to reach your intended audience. Corporate video or online video production could be a great way to get the right tools you need to produce professional quality video. A videographer may also be able to provide you with some extra tips in marketing your content so it reaches a larger audience. Experts in the YouTube platform will also be able to go through and optimize your content so that it can reach out to the right followers.


The value of video in a hectic world:


Video is so valuable today because life can get extremely busy and chaotic for people. Your customers don’t have time to do a deep dive into your page and to go through various pages of support in order to learn more about your company. The majority of customers would prefer watching a quick video rather than simply reading your content. By offering your customers the option to consume this content in an easy manner, they can get the explanations that they need to make a purchase and have difficult concepts explained to them in moments. With proper product photography and a high-quality video, you can explain deep concepts such as demonstrations for your projects or a representation of what your brand is like.


If you want to take your website to the next level and see the value of true video marketing, contact us today for quality online video production.